|| Be one with downtrodden and the under privileged ||

Shri Shivaji Education Society Karad's - Board of Higher Education, Karad

Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad

Affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur

NAAC Reaccredited as "A+" Grade | AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED | REG NO. RQ91/R5237

More NAAC visit photos        Solar plant and computer building tender  

Welcome Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad

Shri Shivaji Education Society, Karad, founded by Late Hon. Shri Yashwantrao Chavan, former Deputy Prime Minister of India, esablished this college in June 1958 as Science College Karad with an objective of providing education in science to students of the Karad area in Maharashtra. To keep his memory alive, the college was renamed after him in 1986. The college building inaugurated in 1960 by the then President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad is located in a sprawling campus of around 40 acres and has flourished under the able stewardship of Late Hon. Shri P. D. Patil. Today Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad is one of the premier educational institution in this region. Read More.









1.Cleaning of college campus Date:24-11-2024

2.Field Visit of B. Sc. II and III Botany Kas Plateau 8/10/2024 Date:08-10-2024

3.Implementation of NEP:2020 Date:13-05-2024

4.Implementation of NEP:2020 Date:13-05-2024

5.Publication 2022-23 Date:20-04-2024

6.Number of book and book chapter publication for the year 2022-23 Date:20-04-2024

7.Student Seminar Activity for M.Sc. CS II Date:26-03-2024

8.Student Seminar Activity for M.Sc. CS I Date:26-03-2024

9.Study Visit to Gadare Marine Export and Collge of Fishery Ratnagiri Date:22-03-2024

10.Industrial Visit to Sahyadri Sakhar Karkhana Limited, Yashwantnagar, Karad Date:09-03-2024

11.One Day Seminar on “Career Opportunities in Geology & Challenges of NEP – 2020” Date:04-03-2024

12.National Education Policy:2020 Implementation Date:28-02-2024

13.Energy Saving Campaign Date:28-02-2024

14.Implementation of NEP:2020 Date:28-02-2024

15.One-Day Workshop on Research Methodology Date:20-02-2024

16.Student Seminar Activity for B.Sc. CS Optional III Date:20-02-2024

17.Student Seminar Activity for B.Sc. CS Entire III Date:20-02-2024

18.One day Workshop on "Future Prospective in Microbiology and Biotechnology" Date:17-02-2024

19.One Day Workshop on "Science & Technology for Sustainable Development" Date:16-02-2024

20.Industrial Visit 2023-24 Date:15-02-2024

21.Water Expedition: On-Field Total Dissolved Solid Checking- 2023-24 Date:13-02-2024

22.Cloud Computing Date:13-02-2024

23.Science Seminar On A Hands On Training On "Making Modern Scrolling Displays" Date:12-02-2024

24.Lead College Acitivity On "Entrepreneurship and Start Up" Date:12-02-2024

25.Lead College Activity " Entrepreneurship and Startup" Date:12-02-2024

26.Guest Lecture on " Emerging Trends in the Life Sciences" Date:06-02-2024

27.Determination of Soil available Nitrogen by Kjeldahl method- 2023-24 Date:02-02-2024

28.Study Visit to College of Fishery Science, Ratnagiri Date:01-02-2024

29.Science Seminar on Career Opportunities in Physics Date:01-02-2024

30.Study Visit to ICAR -Central Coastal Agriculture Research Institute Date:31-01-2024

31.Online seminar on " Anti-infective Drug Discovery Research-An Overview for Microbiology Students" Date:29-01-2024

32.Determination of Organic Carbon from Soil- 2023-24 Date:29-01-2024

33.Awareness against getting Hacked Date:27-01-2024

34.Science Seminar on Biotechnology For Better Tomarrow Date:25-01-2024

35.Biotechnology Brunchfest 2024 Date:20-01-2024

36.Guest Lecture on -" Reaction Mechanism & Retrosynthesis" Date:20-01-2024

37.One Day Seminar on “Application of Hydrogeology in watershed Development” Date:19-01-2024

38.Guest lecture under Science Seminar on " Computational Methods in Mathematics" Date:18-01-2024

39.Ornamental Fish Culture and Maintenance Date:18-01-2024

40.22nd National Level MicrobiOlympiad Quiz Competition (PG-MBQ) Date:17-01-2024

41.22nd National Level MicrobiOlympiad Quiz Competition (UG-MBQ) Date:17-01-2024

42.BSc II & III - Educational Trip Date:16-01-2024

43.Study Tour Date:16-01-2024

44.Study Tour Date:16-01-2024

45.Linkage Date:15-01-2024

46.One Day Workshop on Preparation of Household Chemicals Date:06-01-2024

47.One Day Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development Date:04-01-2024

48.Microbiome food festival 23-24 Date:02-01-2024

49.One Day Workshop on Advanced Instrumentation Techniques Date:01-01-2024

50.One Day Workshop on Government Jobs for Chemistry Date:01-01-2024

51.Parent Meeting 2023-24 Date:30-12-2023

52.Showed Biographic Movie on Great Indian Mathematician "Shrinivasa Ramanujan" Date:21-12-2023

53.Scientific Short play presentation Date:13-12-2023

54.One Day Workshop on Personality Development Date:09-12-2023

55.New Changed Syllabus of B.Sc. CS(Optional)-II Sem-III Paper-V, VI, VII & VIII Theory Date:28-10-2023

56.One day workshop on "New changed syllabus (CBCS) of B.Sc.II Paper VII, VIII and Practical of Mathematics Date:28-10-2023

57.One Day Workshop on Revised Syllabus of B.Sc.II Date:28-10-2023

58.One Day Workshop on Revised Syllabus of MSc-I Physical Chemistry Date:21-10-2023

59.One Day workshop on New Changed Syllabus (CBCS)Of B.Sc.II Biotechnology Date:21-10-2023

60.One Day workshop on Revised Syllabus of B.Sc. III Electronics (NEP-2020) Date:20-10-2023

61.One day State level workshop on “revised accreditation, framework for NAAC” Date:19-10-2023

62.One day National Seminar on "NEP:2020" Date:14-10-2023

63.National Education Policy (NEP:2020) Date:14-10-2023

64.One day workshop on “Assessment, Management and Mitigation of Natural Disasters” Date:13-10-2023

65."Wild Life Photography Workshop" Date:12-10-2023

66.Photography workshop Date:12-10-2023

67."Conservation of Reptiles and Specimen Exhibition" Date:11-10-2023

68.Conservation of Reptiles and Specimen Exhibition Date:11-10-2023

69."Biodiversity Poster Presentation" Date:10-10-2023

70.Biodiversity poster presentation Date:10-10-2023

71.Science Seminar Activity on topic 'Bioinformatics: Research and Opportunities Date:07-10-2023

72.Guest Lecture on Care Taken by Students in case of Law Date:05-10-2023

73.Scientific Rangoli Competition Date:05-10-2023

74.Future Job Trends in IT Date:26-09-2023

75.Future Job Trends in IT Date:25-09-2023

76.Ozone Day Celebration Date:18-09-2023

77.Awareness program “Know About Earth” on 16/09/2023 Date:16-09-2023

78.Career Opportunities in Competitive Examinations Date:15-09-2023

79.One Day Workshop on NET SET Examinations Date:15-09-2023

80.International Vulture Day Date:02-09-2023

81."International Vulture Day" Date:30-08-2023

82.Plantation Drive Date:30-08-2023

83.One day Workshop on Chandryan 3 Soft Landing Date:23-08-2023

84.Environment steward and upcycling to save envrionment Date:11-08-2023

85.Environment stewardship and upcycling to save environment Date:11-08-2023

86.Animation Awareness Program Date:09-08-2023

87.Medical checkup of female staff and students Date:28-07-2023

88.One Day Workshop on Skill Development Date:26-07-2023

89.B.Sc. II Visit to INNOVHUB SYSTEM PRIVATE LIMITED GH,Society ,Karad. Date:31-05-2023

90.Online Quiz on the occasion of "International Day for Biological Diversity" Date:22-05-2023

91.Electronics Students Projects B.Sc.III Date:22-05-2023

92.Online Quiz on the occasion of "International Day for Biological Diversity" Date:22-05-2023

93.Field Visit B. Sc. III Aesthetic Garden Visit 20-05-2023 Date:20-05-2023

94.Field Visit B. Sc. II Mahabaleshwar 15-05-2023 Date:15-05-2023

95.Environment Awareness Programme organized by Department of Botany and Pollution in association with MoEF&CC, Botanical Survey of India, Pune Date:13-05-2023

96.Field Visit B. Sc. III Bhaskar Ayurvedic Aushdhalaya Kadegaon 12-5-2023 Date:12-05-2023

97.Online Workshop on Spring and Hibernate Framework of java used in IT Companies Date:09-05-2023

98.Visit To INNOVHUB SYSTEM PRIVATE LIMITED GH,Society ,Karad. Date:05-05-2023

99.Vasant Karandak "Street Play" - First Prize Date:30-04-2023

100.Field Visit B. Sc. I and II Botanical Garden YCCSKarad 29-04-2023 Date:29-04-2023

101.Online Quiz on the occasion of "World Earth Day" Date:22-04-2023

102.Study Tour Date:18-04-2023

103.Study Tour Date:18-04-2023

104.Study Visit to Sahyadri Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Yashwantnagar Karad Date:11-04-2023

105.MSc II Educational tour Date:08-04-2023

106.Energy Saving Campaign Date:01-04-2023

107.Industrial Visit 2022-23 Date:24-03-2023

108.Online Quiz on the occasion of “World Water Day” Date:22-03-2023

109.Online Quiz on the occasion of "International Forest Day" Date:21-03-2023

110.Study Visit to National Research Center for Grapes, and Vasant Dada Sugar Institute Pune Date:17-03-2023

111.Water Expedition: On-Field Total Dissolved Solids Checking- 2022-23 Date:16-03-2023

112.National Conference on- Green Chemistry and Advanced Materials (GCAM-2023) Date:14-03-2023

113.Lead College Activity " Mobile Troubleshooting, fault finding and Model" Date:09-03-2023

114.Report Writing and IPR Lead College Activity organized by Department of Botany Date:08-03-2023

115.One Day Workshop on NET SET Examinations Date:08-03-2023

116.Celebration of "International Women's Day" Date:08-03-2023

117.Valedictory function of special NSS camp Date:07-03-2023

118.Lead College Activity under Guest lecture on " Mathematics for Competitive Exam" Date:06-03-2023

119.Andhashraddha Nirmulan Lecture Date:06-03-2023

120.Environment and prevention of superstition Date:06-03-2023

121.Advanced farming and technology Date:05-03-2023

122.Lecture on emerging techniques in Microbiology Date:04-03-2023

123.Shivputra Sambhaji Date:04-03-2023

124.Gathering and Haldi Kunku function Date:03-03-2023

125.Contribution of youth in nation building Date:02-03-2023

126.NSS Special Camp Date:01-03-2023

127.NSS special camp inauguration Date:01-03-2023

128.Electronics Students Seminar B.Sc. Ill Date:20-02-2023

129.Electronics Students Seminar B.Sc. II Date:20-02-2023

130.Study Visit to Gadre Marine Export Ltd. Ratnagiri Date:17-02-2023

131.Use of Statistics in Data Science Date:15-02-2023

132.Science Seminar on Interview Preparation Techniques Date:08-02-2023

133.Student Seminar Activity for M.Sc. CS I Date:01-02-2023

134.Student Seminar Activity for B.Sc. CS Entire III Date:30-01-2023

135.Student Seminar Activity for B.Sc. CS Optional III Date:30-01-2023

136.Determination of Organic Carbon from Soil-2022-23 Date:23-01-2023

137.Awareness program “Know About Earth” on 19th and 20th January 2023 Date:19-01-2023

138.Cleaning of college ground Date:18-01-2023

139.Creating Awareness of Physics at School Date:14-01-2023

140.Awareness against getting Hacked Date:12-01-2023

141.Celebration of Birth Anniversary of Rajmata Jijavu and Swami Vivekanand -Department of Botany Date:12-01-2023

142.Celebration of Birth Annicersary of Rajmata Jijau and Swami Vivekanand Date:12-01-2023

143.Consultation Provided to Farmers for Development of Vermicomposting Date:05-01-2023

144.Participation in 'Yuva Mahotsav' - Street Play (Third Prize) Date:24-12-2022

145.One Day Workshop On Strategies To Crack Competitive Exam in Life Sciences Date:13-12-2022

146.Seminar on “Landslide – Causes & Precautions” Date:12-12-2022

147.Advanced Techniques in Analytical Chemistry Date:12-12-2022

148.Career Opportunities in Physics Date:06-12-2022

149.Krishna River Cleaning Date:02-12-2022

150.Field Visit B. Sc. I and II Botanical Garden YCCSKarad 30-11-2022 Date:30-11-2022

151.Science Seminar on Various Opportuities in YCMOU Date:28-11-2022

152.Career Opportunity in Zoology Date:28-11-2022

153.Career Opportunity in Zoology Date:28-11-2022

154.Celebration of "Constitution Day of India" Date:26-11-2022

155.Online Quiz on the occasion of "Constitution Day pf India" Date:26-11-2022

156.Science Seminar Activity on topic Biodiversity Golden eggs of Nature Date:24-11-2022

157.Hygienic awareness among school children Date:18-11-2022

158.Celebration of "International Women's Day" - Guest Lecture: Cyber Crime and its prevention from Women Date:10-11-2022

159.Central Yuva Mahotsav: Clay Modelling (Matikam) - Consolation Prize Date:17-10-2022

160.Participation in 'Yuva Mahotsav' - Street Play- First Prize Date:14-10-2022

161.Film shown on Wild life Date:02-10-2022

162.Film Shown on wild life Date:02-10-2022

163.Electronics Students Seminar B.Sc. III Date:01-10-2022

164.Youth Festival 2022-2023 - Registered Student Details Date:28-09-2022

165.Celebration of Navratri - Navdurga: Jagar Stri shakticha 26/09/2022 to 04/10/2022 Date:26-09-2022

166.Annual NSS inauguration function and guest lecture on eradication of superstition Date:24-09-2022

167.Best out of Waste Date:22-09-2022

168.Webinar Series on the occasion of Celebration of Bicentenary of "Mendel" Webinar No. 03 Date:22-09-2022

169.Blood Donation Date:17-09-2022

170.National Webinar on the occasion of "World Ozone Day” Date:16-09-2022

171.Cleaning of college campus Date:15-09-2022

172.Awareness Of Computer Date:13-09-2022

173.Visit to ganesh Mandals and Appeal to celebrate Eco-Friendly Ganesh Utsav - 13th to 20th Sept. 2022 Date:13-09-2022

174.Science Seminar by Student: Chaitrali Katare B.Sc. I, Topic - Bacteriophage Date:29-08-2022

175.Webinar Series on the occasion of Celebration of Bicentenary of "Mendel" Webinar No. 02 Date:23-08-2022

176.Cleaning on ocassion of Independence day at village Shirawade Date:14-08-2022

177.Poster exhibition: Ajjadi ka Amrut Mahotsav Date:13-08-2022

178.Poster exhibition: Ajjadi ka Amrut Mahotsav Date:13-08-2022

179.Cycling Rally Date:13-08-2022

180.Tree Rakshabandhan Date:11-08-2022

181.Tree Rakshabandhan Date:11-08-2022

182.Online Quiz on the occasion of “Vanmahotsav” Date:01-08-2022

183.Webinar Series on the occasion of Celebration of Bicentenary of "Mendel" Webinar No. 01 Date:22-07-2022

184.Electronics Students Projects B.Sc.III Date:22-06-2022

185.Number of Seminars/conferences/workshops conducted by the institution in the year 2022-23 Date:22-06-2022

186.Study Tour Date:10-06-2022

187.Study Tour Date:10-06-2022

188.Career Opportunities in IT Industries Date:08-06-2022

189.Career Opportunities in IT Industries Date:08-06-2022

190.visit to A3DXYZ Devices and System. Date:06-06-2022

191.Celebration of Shiv-Swarajya Din Date:06-06-2022

192.Chemistry Quiz Competition Date:06-06-2022

193.Celebration of Shiv-Swarajya Din: Poster Competition on "Forts of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj" Date:06-06-2022

194.Seminar on “Career Guidance & Opportunities in Geology” Date:28-05-2022

195.Science seminar on 'Career Opportunities in Microbiology Date:28-05-2022

196.A science Seminar on Conversion of Normal Cycle to E-Cycle Date:26-05-2022

197.Job Opportunities after Higher Educations Date:18-05-2022

198.Science Seminar by Student: Date: 13.05. 2022 - 1. Asharani Mali- B.Sc. I : Topic: Biotic and Abiotic factor, 2. Shreyash Swami- B.Sc. I :Topic :Food Chain; Date: 19.05.2022 - 1. Sujata Kadam- B.Sc. I Topic: Food Chain, 2. Gaurav Angarakhe- B.Sc. I Topic: Pyramid of Biomass Date:13-05-2022

199.Zero Sadow Day- A Special Celestial Festival Date:08-05-2022

200.Student Seminar Activity for B.Sc. CS Optional III Date:27-04-2022

201.Online Quiz on the occasion of "World Earth Day" Date:22-04-2022

202.Industrial Visit to Rajaram College Kolhapur Date:18-04-2022

203.Cleanliness & Fruit donation at Remand home ,Karad Date:16-04-2022

204.Group Discussion B. Sc. II Botany Department Date:01-04-2022

205.Learning through Game Play - Botany Department Date:01-04-2022

206.Determination of Organic Carbon from Soil and Nature of pH - 2021-22 Date:30-03-2022

207.Energy Saving Campaign Date:30-03-2022

208.Group Discussion B. Sc. I Botany Department Date:29-03-2022

209.Strategies of crack competitive Exam in Life Sciences Date:26-03-2022

210.Strategies to Crack Competitive Exam in Chemical Science -NET SET Date:26-03-2022

211.Students participation under MOU with Department of Botany, Shivaji University, Kolhapur Date:26-03-2022

212.Rally on Beti bacaho.Beti padhavo in Shirawade village Date:24-03-2022

213.Tree plantation at Shirawade Village Date:24-03-2022

214.Online Quiz on the occasion of "World Water Day" Date:22-03-2022

215.Movements before Freedom Date:22-03-2022

216.Cleanliness at shirawade village during camp Date:20-03-2022

217.Importance of Reading Date:20-03-2022

218.Water Expedition: On-Field Total Dissolved Solid Checking 2021-22 Date:15-03-2022

219.Celebration of "International Women's Day" Date:08-03-2022

220.State Level Webinar on the occasion of "International Women's Day" Date:08-03-2022

221.National Webinar on the occasion of World Wildlife Day. Topic: Snake identification, misconception and Snakebite mitigation Date:03-03-2022

222.Multimedia Enriched E-Content development for Effective Online Teaching Date:01-03-2022

223.National webinar on “Multimedia Enriched E-content Development for Effective Online Teaching” Date:01-03-2022

224.Electronics Students Seminar B.Sc. Il Date:20-02-2022

225.National webinar on “Sustainability Science: A multidisciplinary Approach" Date:09-02-2022

226.Bike Rally for Stop Forest Fire in Collaboration with Forest Department Date:06-02-2022

227.Creating Awareness of Physics at School Date:21-01-2022

228.Tree Plantation Date:17-01-2022

229.CIVID 19 Vaccination Campaign Date:17-01-2022

230.Traditional Day: Cultural Activity Date:14-01-2022

231.Online Seminar- Celebration of Birth Annicersary of 1. Rajmata Jijau and 2. Swami Vivekanand Date:12-01-2022

232.Inaugural Function Date:07-01-2022

233.Cultural Program: Lawani Nrutya Date:04-01-2022

234.Guest Lecture: Topic- आम्ही सावित्रीच्या लेकी (We the daughters of Savitri) Date:03-01-2022

235.Linkage Books Published Padmabhushan Dr. Vasantraodada Patil College, Tasgaon Date:01-01-2022

236.Linkage with Krishna Mahavidyalaya, Rethare Bk Collaborative research Department of Botany Date:01-01-2022

237.Science Seminar Activity Science Seminar and Scientica organized by Botany Department Date:29-12-2021

238.Exhibition of Fruits and Vegetables-Medicinal and Nutritional Properties organized by Department of Botany Date:29-12-2021

239.Hygienic Awareness Among School Children Date:24-12-2021

240.One Day Workshop on "Advanced Material and Nanotechnology" Date:18-12-2021

241.Guest Lecture on Plants: Precious Gift of Nature - Department of Botany Date:18-12-2021

242.Guest Lecture: “Need of Environmental Education and Conservation" Date:18-12-2021

243.Celebration of "National Energy Conservation Day" Date:14-12-2021

244.Seminar on "Use of Chemistry in Every Day Life" Date:11-12-2021

245.Celebration of "Noble Prize Day" Date:10-12-2021

246.Celebration of "National Pollution Control Day". Date:02-12-2021

247.AIDS Awareness Date:01-12-2021

248.One Day Workshop on Beneficial Effects of Radiations & Indian Nuclear Energy Programmer (IARP2021) Date:27-11-2021

249.Celebration of "Constitution Day of India" Date:26-11-2021

250.Voter Awareness Activity Date:26-11-2021

251.Automatic College Bell Installation at Venutai Chavan College, Karad Dist. Satara Date:30-10-2021

252.Automatic National Anthem System installation at Venutai Chavan College, Karad, Dist. Satara Date:30-10-2021

253.One day workshop on New changed Syllabus B.Sc.III (Electronics) Sem. V Date:30-10-2021

254.Vachan Prerana Din - Celebration of Birth Annicersary of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Date:15-10-2021

255.Health and Hygiene Awareness For school students Date:12-10-2021

256.Navratri festival of STRI SHAKTI - Online Presentation (PPT) on The Great Durgas of World - 07/10/2021 to 15/10/2021 Date:07-10-2021

257.Film Shown on Wild life Date:01-10-2021

258.Film shown on wild life Date:01-10-2021

259.Blood Donation Campaign Date:17-09-2021

260.Online National E Conference on intellectual Property Rights-Basics & Process (IPRBP-2021) Date:04-09-2021

261.Seminar on “Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and its Applications in Geosciences” Date:01-09-2021

262.Sanitizer and Mask Distribution Date:28-08-2021

263.Awareness of Computer Date:16-08-2021

264.A 3D XYZ Device & System , 3D printer Workshop ,GH Society ,Karad. (Online) Date:28-07-2021

265.State Level Webinar on the Occasion of World Nature Conservation Day Date:28-07-2021

266.Quiz on the occasion of Birth Anniversary of Father of Genetics "Gregor Johann Mendel" Date:20-07-2021

267.Online Inauguration of ECO-Club & Celebration of Vanmahotsav Date:07-07-2021

268.Special Lecture Series on "Career Opportunities in Botany" (online mode: 24 to 26 June 2021) Date:24-06-2021

269.Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship during the year Date:06-06-2021

270.Online Quiz on the occasion of "World Environment Day" Date:05-06-2021

271.Online Quiz on the occasion of "World Environment Day" Date:05-06-2021

272.Online Quiz on the occasion of " International Day for Biological Diversity" Date:22-05-2021

273.Online Quiz on the occasion of "World Earth Day" Date:22-04-2021

274.Online Quiz on the occasion of "WOrld Health Day : Plants For Human Health" Date:07-04-2021

275.Energy Saving Campaign Date:23-03-2021

276.Online Quiz on the occasion of "World Water Day" Date:22-03-2021

277.Online Quiz on the occasion of "International Forest Day" Date:21-03-2021

278.One Day Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Chemical Sciences Date:20-03-2021

279.One Day Workshop on 'Horticulture and their Application' Date:20-03-2021

280.Celebration of "International Women's Day" (Online Mode) Date:08-03-2021

281.Celebration of "International Women's Day" Date:08-03-2021

282.Science Seminar by Student: Swapnil Devkant - B.Sc. I - Seminar Tpoic: Strcture of Virus Date:03-03-2021

283.Online Quiz on the occasion of "National Science Day" Date:28-02-2021

284.Electronics Students Projects B.Sc.III Date:26-02-2021

285.One Day Online Workshop on Revised Syllabus Date:16-02-2021

286.One Day Workshop on new Changed Syllabus (CBCS) of B.Sc.III Biotechnology Date:15-02-2021

287.One day online workshop on “New Changed Syllabus” Date:12-02-2021

288.One day online workshop on new changed syllabus of B.Sc.III Semester VI Date:09-02-2021

289.'C' Certificate Cader Date:07-02-2021

290.New Changed Syllabus of B.Sc. CS(Entire)-III Sem-V Date:04-02-2021

291.New Changed Syllabus of B.Sc. CS(Optional)-III Sem-V Date:03-02-2021

292.Electronics Students Seminar B.Sc. III Date:05-01-2021

293.Electronics Students Seminar (Online Mode) B.Sc. Il Date:05-01-2021

294.Celebration of "Constitution Day of India" Date:26-11-2020

295.Navratri festival of STRI SHAKTI - Online Presentation (PPT) on The Great Durgas of World - 17/10/2020 to 26/10/2020 Date:17-10-2020

296.Navratri festival of STRI SHAKTI - Online Presentation (PPT) on The Great Durgas of World - 17/10/2020 to 26/10/2020 Date:17-10-2020

297.Online Quiz on the occasion of "World Science Day" Date:10-10-2020

298.One day Webinar on Linux Operating System Date:19-09-2020

299.Linux Operating System Date:19-09-2020

300.Blood Donation Campaign Date:17-09-2020

301.Blood Donation Camp Date:17-09-2020

302.Online Quiz on the occasion of "World Ozone Day" Date:16-09-2020

303.National E Conference on Advanced Analytical Techniques (NCAAT-2020) Date:07-09-2020

304.Webinar on Exploring Data Science using Python Date:03-09-2020

305.International E Conference on Chemistry Research & Competencies (ICCRC 2020) Date:17-08-2020

306.Tree Plantation Date:15-08-2020

307.National Level E-Quiz Test on Chemistry Date:27-07-2020

308.National Webinar on 'Materials for Energy' Date:25-07-2020

309.National Webinar on Science, Environment and Human Health was organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching-Learning Centre of MHRD (PMMMNMT) SGTB Khalsa College> Delhi University in collaboration with Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science Karad (IQAC & Department of Botany) Date:02-07-2020

310.Tree Plantation Date:01-07-2020

311.A National Webinar on Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) & Department of Microbiology “Living with COVID-19 ” Sunday, 14th June, 2020 2020-2021 Date:14-06-2020

312.One Day International Webinar on Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) & Department of Microbiology “Current Perspectives of Microbial Diseases 2020” 5 th June, 2020 Date:05-06-2020

313.Donation of edible and Sanitary material to Police personnel during COVID pandemic duties Date:17-04-2020

314.Electronics Students Projects B.Sc.III Date:06-03-2020

315.Energy Saving Campaign Date:05-03-2020

316.Industrial Visit at Digitech Elevator ,Karad B.Sc.III Date:04-03-2020

317.To determine Percentage of Nitrogen in the Soil and pH of Soil 2019-20 Date:02-03-2020

318.Field Visit B. Sc. III Pushkar Nursery, Surli 27-02-2020 Date:27-02-2020

319.Guest Lecture on Phytogeographical Regions of India - Botany Department Date:26-02-2020

320.Industrial Visit 2019-20 Date:25-02-2020

321.Visit to Abhilasha silk and silk product, Wathar Date:24-02-2020

322.Science Seminar on Programming Languages Date:17-02-2020

323.Guest lecture under Science Seminar on "An Introduction of Mathematical Software - Scilab" Date:17-02-2020

324.A science Seminar on Ethical Hacking Date:12-02-2020

325.Environment and Personality Development -Guest Lecture Date:12-02-2020

326.Application of Statistics Date:04-02-2020

327.One week program with bike rally in assistance with Forest Departments Date:01-02-2020

328.Field Visit B. Sc. III Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Kokan Krishi Vidyapeeth Dapoli 30-1-2020 and 31-01-2020 Date:30-01-2020

329.Microbiome food festival Date:28-01-2020

330.Cultural Program Date:26-01-2020

331.Elocution Competition Date:26-01-2020

332.Hostel Day - Prize Distribution Function Date:26-01-2020

333.Study Tour B. Sc. II Regional Ayurveda Institute and BSDT Trust Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Pune 25-01-2020 Date:25-01-2020

334.One Day Workshop on Fruit Processing - Department of Botany Date:24-01-2020

335.Village Cleaning Date:22-01-2020

336.Guest Lecture on Soft skill Development Date:20-01-2020

337.Guest Lecture: Title: "Pori Jara Japun" Date:20-01-2020

338.Electronics Students Seminar B.Sc. III Date:19-01-2020

339.Construction of Vanari Dam Date:19-01-2020

340.Electronics Students Seminar B.Sc. Il Date:18-01-2020

341.NSS Special Camp Date:18-01-2020

342.NSS camp Date:18-01-2020

343.One Day Workshop on Soft Skills Development Under "Next Step" Career Guidance Program Date:17-01-2020

344.Student Cultural Program Date:15-01-2020

345.Traditional Day Cultural Activity Date:15-01-2020

346.Traditional Day: Cultural Activity Date:15-01-2020

347.Competitions: Flower arrangement, Salad Decoration and Mahendi Date:14-01-2020

348.Best Cadet Activity Date:14-01-2020

349.Field Visit B. Sc. III Sadawaghapur Patan 13-01-2020 Date:13-01-2020

350.Modern Techniques in Life Science Date:13-01-2020

351.Science Seminar on Ethnomedicinal Knowledge for sustainable use organized by Department of Botany Date:11-01-2020

352.Creating Awareness of Physics at School Date:11-01-2020

353.Rangoli Competition on Plant Science Date:11-01-2020

354.National Conference on Advances in Chemical Science (NCACS-2020) Date:08-01-2020

355.Guest Lecture on Importance of Cyber Security Date:03-01-2020

356.Guest Lecture: Title: ““क्रांतीज्योती सावित्रीबाई फुले यांचे जीवनकार्य" Biography of Savitribai Phule Date:03-01-2020

357.Interesting Facts In Biological Sciences. Date:02-01-2020

358.Guest Lecture on Application of Analytical Chemistry Date:28-12-2019

359.One Day National Workshop on 'Intellectual Property Rights Date:27-12-2019

360.Guest lecture- Topic: Stress Management Date:23-12-2019

361.Foreign Languages Date:16-12-2019

362.Science Seminar by Student: 1. Ashwini Mohite - B.Sc. III, 2. Tejas Sankpal B.Sc. I Date:01-12-2019

363.AIDS Awareness Date:01-12-2019

364.Celebration of "Constitution Day of India" Date:26-11-2019

365.Guest Lecture on Development and Significance of Periodic Table Date:10-10-2019

366.Reproductive health Date:09-10-2019

367.Exhibition on Seed Art and Seed Jwellery - Department of Botany Date:07-10-2019

368.Student Seminar Activity for B.Sc. CS Entire III Date:07-10-2019

369.Student Seminar Activity for B.Sc. CS Optional III Date:07-10-2019

370.Navdurga- Jagar Stri shakticha Discussed the biography of Indian female personalities Dr. Paramjeet Khurana, Scientist, Plant Biotechnology Date:03-10-2019

371.Film Shown On Wild Life Date:01-10-2019

372.Biodiversity Poster Presentation Date:01-10-2019

373.Biodiversity Poster Presentation Date:01-10-2019

374.Guest Lecture on Advanced Instrumentation techniques Date:28-09-2019

375.One day workshop on “Revised syllabus of Geology” Date:26-09-2019

376.Biosphere Day Poster Exhibition Date:21-09-2019

377.Mission Chandrayan Date:19-09-2019

378.Blood Donation Campaing Date:17-09-2019

379.Blood Donation Camp Date:17-09-2019

380.Exhibition of Medicinal Plants Date:16-09-2019

381.Ozone Day Celebration Poster Exhibition Date:16-09-2019

382.Parent Meeting Date:07-09-2019

383.Teachers Day Celebration Date:05-09-2019

384.Visit to ganesh Mandals and Appeal to celebrate Eco-Friendly Ganesh Utsav" Date:04-09-2019

385.One Day Workshop on Revised syllabus (CBCS)of B.Sc.II Biotechnology Date:23-08-2019

386.New Changed Syllabus of B.Sc. CS(Entire)-II Sem-III Paper V & VI Theory Date:23-08-2019

387.New Changed Syllabus of B.Sc. CS(Optional)-II Sem-III Paper V & VI Theory Date:23-08-2019

388.Water Expedition: On-Field Total Dissolved Solids Checking 2019-20 Date:22-08-2019

389.New Changed Syllabus of B.Sc. II Practical Date:21-08-2019

390.One day workshop on new changed syllabus of B.Sc. II (CBCS) Date:21-08-2019

391.One Day Workshop on "New Changed Syllabus (CBCS) of B,Sc, II Paper VII and Practical of Zoology" Date:21-08-2019

392.Krushna Ghat Garden Cleaning Date:20-08-2019

393.Poster Competition – Topic: Environment - Department of Botany Date:01-08-2019

394.Inaugural Function and Greeny Army Registration certificate distribution Date:01-08-2019

395.Inaugural Function Date:31-07-2019

396.NSS regular activity Date:22-07-2019

397.Tree Plantation Date:18-07-2019

398.Tree Plantation at Kiwal Date:18-07-2019

399.Tree Plantation at Kiwal Hill Date:01-07-2019

400.Electronics Students Projects B.Sc.III Date:20-03-2019

401.Energy Saving Campaign Date:12-03-2019

402.Cleaning of Town Hall Area Date:10-03-2019

403.Guest Lecture on Instrumental Techniques & its Application industry Date:09-03-2019

404.Research Methodology, Scientific Paper & Poster Presentation Date:06-03-2019

405.To determine Percentage of Nitrogen in the Soil and pH of Soil 2018-19 Date:04-03-2019

406.Career Guidance Date:26-02-2019

407.Guest lecture under Science Seminar on "Scope of Mathematics" Date:20-02-2019

408.Guest lecture- Topic: “Conservation of Forest Wealth” Date:20-02-2019

409.A Science Seminar on IOT : Internet of Things Date:19-02-2019

410.Field Visit B. Sc. II and III Krishi Vigyan Kendra Baramati and Sugarcane Research Centre Padegaon 13-02-2019 Date:13-02-2019

411.Life cycle of butterfly Date:07-02-2019

412.Study Tour B. Sc. III Vengurla, Malwan and Sindhudurg 4-2-2019 and 5-2-2019 Date:05-02-2019

413.Guest Lecture on Silica Nanoparticles & its Applications Date:30-01-2019

414.Hostel Day- Prize distribution of Various competition Date:26-01-2019

415.Hostel Day- various competition and cultural activitiy: Rangoli competitiona Date:25-01-2019

416.Hostel Day- various competition and cultural activitiy: Mehndi competition Date:24-01-2019

417.Hostel Day- various competition and cultural activitiy: Poster competition Date:24-01-2019

418.Elocution Competition Date:22-01-2019

419.Krushna river cleaning Date:22-01-2019

420.Sport Competition: Running Date:20-01-2019

421.Sport Competition: Short-Put Date:20-01-2019

422.Industrial Visit 2018-19 Date:19-01-2019

423.NSS Special Camp Date:19-01-2019

424.One Day Workshop on Mushroom Cultivation for Entrepreneurship Development organized by Department of Botany Date:17-01-2019

425.Sericulture Date:17-01-2019

426.Consultation Provided to Farmers for Development of Vermicomposting Units Date:15-01-2019

427.Creating Awareness of Physics at School Date:14-01-2019

428.Celebration of "Yuva Din"- Birth Anniversary of "Rajmata Jijau and Swami Vivekanand" Date:12-01-2019

429.Water Expedition: On-Field Total Dissolved Solids Checking 2018-19 Date:10-01-2019

430.Electronics Students Seminar B.Sc. Il Date:05-01-2019

431.Study Tour Date:05-01-2019

432.Study Tour Date:05-01-2019

433.Linkage Activity Guest Lecture delivered at Yashavantrao Chavan Institute of Science, Satara (Autonomous) Date:28-12-2018

434.Spardha Pariksha Ek Parisanvad Date:22-12-2018

435.Vijay Diwas Date:16-12-2018

436.Guest Lecture Activity on Recent Trends in Biotechnology Date:12-12-2018

437.Cycling Track Date:02-12-2018

438.Celebration of "Constitution Day of India" Date:26-11-2018

439.Tree Plantation Date:25-11-2018

440.Reading Inspiration Day (Vachan Prerana Divas) Birth anniversary of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam - Department of Botany Date:15-10-2018

441.Modern Techniques in Life Sciences and Career Opportunities Date:21-09-2018

442.Visit to Ganesh Mandals and Appeal to celebrate Eco-Friendly Ganesh Utsav" Date:20-09-2018

443.Awareness Program to the various Sanskrutik Mandal about social duties in Ganpati Festival Date:20-09-2018

444.Blood Donation Campaign Date:17-09-2018

445.Blood Donation Camp Date:17-09-2018

446.One Day Workshop on Beneficial Effects of Radiuation and Indian Nuclear Energy Programme IARP 2018 Date:15-09-2018

447.Green Army Registration Date:12-09-2018

448.Guest Lecture on Fluorimetry and Phosphorimetry Date:09-09-2018

449.World of Scientists Date:08-09-2018

450.Interaction with Students Date:06-09-2018

451.Celebration of "Teachers" Day by offering a "Plants" to Teacher Date:05-09-2018

452.Voter Registration Activity Date:04-09-2018

453.Field Visit B. Sc. III Walmiki and Patan 01-09-2018 Date:01-09-2018

454.New Changed Syllabus of B. Sc. I Physics Date:20-08-2018

455.Guest Lecture on Crop improvement methods with special reference to Mutation breeding - Department of Botany Date:13-08-2018

456.Guest Lecture: “Biodiversity" Date:01-08-2018

457.Plantation Activity Date:01-07-2018

458.Science Seminar by Student: 1. Pratiksha Pawar - B.Sc. I, Rutuja Shinde - B.Sc. III Date:16-01-2018

459.Industrial Visits and Field Visits Date:00-00-0000

460.Research Based Activities Date:00-00-0000

461.Exhibitions Date:00-00-0000

462.Clubs and Fests Date:00-00-0000

463.Internship Date:00-00-0000

464.Seminars And Guest Lectures Date:00-00-0000

465.Workshops Date:00-00-0000

466.Competitions Date:00-00-0000

467.Practicals Date:00-00-0000

468.NCC Activity 2018-19 Date:00-00-0000

469.NCC Activity 2019-20 Date:00-00-0000

470.NCC Activity 2020-21 Date:00-00-0000

471.NCC Activity 2021-22 Date:00-00-0000

472.NCC Activity 2022-23 Date:00-00-0000

473.MoU with Loknete Mohanrao Kadam Agriculture College Guest Lecture Dr. S A Kirtane Date:00-00-0000

Principal Desk Message

  Welcome to Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad, where curiosity meets discovery and learning knows no bounds. It was founded in 1958 by the great leader from this place and the first Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Late Hon. Shri Yashwantrao Chavan with the vision of providing the best facilities for top quality science education to students of this rural area. "

With a modest beginning the college has taken giant strides since then to keep up with its ideals and become one of the premier educational institutions in the Shivaji University jurisdiction today. Accredited with a B++ grade by NAAC in 2017, the special feature of this college is the studious and industrious Read More  

Principal Dr. S. B. Kengar

Our Pride

Hon. Late Shri Yashwantraoji Chavan
Deputy Prime Minister of India (1979-80)

Our Pride

Hon. Late P.D. Patil, Founder Chairman
Shri. Shivaji Education Society Karad’s Board for Higher Education (1958 to 2008)

Our Guide

Hon. M.L.A. Shri Balasaheb Patil, Chairman
Shri. Shivaji Education Society Karad’s Board for Higher Education

Shri Shivaji Education Society, Karad

With his good educational background, Late Hon. Shri Yashwantrao Chavan realised that education of the masses alone is the panacea for the populace of this country. Also seeing the truth in Mahatma Gandhi’s belief that `India lives in its villages’ he decided that rural India needed more educational facilities. With this view therefore, he, along with close confidantes, established the Shri Shivaji Education Society, Karad in 1945 with the prime objective of promoting quality education at the Primary, Secondary as well as Higher (college) levels in all streams such as Arts, Science, Technology, Industry, Agriculture, Commerce,etc along with providing adequate infrastructure and advanced facilities for the same. Spreading of this educational atmosphere in the surrounding region was also another of its important objectives. Accordingly, it started the Read More


“To educate students through dedicated holistic attitude to develop ethical, disciplined, sensible and determined citizen to cope with local to global challenges” Read More


To Perpetuate a science culture among the rural masses of this region so that the youth develop a scientific temperament and build up a capacity for objective Read More

Quality Policy

To create a "Center of excellence" through a continual improvement in the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, with the best Read More.

Facilities Provided by College

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